Hello, and welcome to Make Peace: a continuous, evolving letter through the lens of Black Matriarchal lineage.
By exploring the personal and the universal, Make Peace asks difficult yet necessary questions about the journey to Freedom within the context of our personal and collective bodies. This includes topics such as Black heritage, Queer culture, Music preservation, Archival practices, Zines, Somatics, Community, Revolution, Transformative Justice, Black Feminism, Humanity, Detroit, Books, and more.
Thank you to Triniti and Cody for encouraging me to speak my truth through writing in this iteration of my life. I’m excited to be able to share about my life again after a series of life events that have removed me from my work as a practitioner of Care and Freedom through creative methods. More on that later. For now, I hold the immense gift of possibility and recommitment to my life’s purpose.
With this letter, I commit to exploring the possibilities of transformation. I want Make Peace to be a place where we can note time, place, synchronicities, and feelings together. In our current sociocultural situation, we must critically question the reasons behind our actions on all levels, whether between close friends, strangers, or persons with a complex relationship with ourselves. Through my investigations, I will bring that spirit of inquisition into this letter with Care. Join me.